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Every thought we think is a bio chemical and electro magnetic event that causes neurons to fire. The speed at which these neurons fire creates a frequency and amplitude that can be seen on an encephalogram (EEG) as waves.
Our brains constantly produce five brain wave frequencies: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
The state of consciousness you are experiencing right now is the result of your brain wave activity!
Brain wave therapy uses tones in the guided meditations to enhance specific brain wave patterns to produce a state of consciousness conducive to healing and positive change. As you listen to the tones, you will be effortless guided to a deep state of meditation.
The chart below gives you a graphic representation of brain waves and their corresponding states of consciousness.
Listen to Beta Brain Wave Tones
Listen to Alpha Brain Wave Tones
Listen to Theta Brain Wave Tones
Listen to Delta Brain Wave Tones
Humankind has been using sound to change our state or consciousness since the dawn of time.
When we listen to any repetitive, rhythmic sound,s uch as chanting or drumming, our brain waves automatically become synchronized with the sounds we are hearing. This process is known as entrainment.
Brain wave therapy uses the natural process of entrainment to help you reach states of consciousness formerly only available to long time meditators.
As you listen to the tones embedded in the music, your brain waves automatically begin to pulse at the same rate of the tones you are hearing. When our brain waves change, our state of consciousness changes as well.
We are always running the full spectrum of brain waves. The process of entrainment simply emphasizes a particular amplitude and frequency to elicit and strengthen a specific brainwave pattern .
The tones in the Guided Meditations found here will entrain your brain waves into states of consciousness for healing, relaxation, learning, peak performance and spiritual development.
Brain wave therapy may not be right for you if:
Please don't listen to brain wave frequencies while driving or doing anything that requires your full attention.
Fifteen minutes is usually long enough to shift your brain wave patterns. Please don't listen longer than that, especially in the beginning.
Most of the guided meditations here have brain wave tones in the music for 15-20 minutes.
You always have the option to buy guided meditations without the tones.
We often hear that "we create our reality." But how does this actually occur? Gamma brain waves may give us a clue.
Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves we produce and are emphasized in the brain wave patterns of people who are visualizing intensely and/or are very focused. This brain wave pattern is also positively related to peak performance, intelligence, and memory.
Richard Davidson, a neuroscience professor at the University of Madison, Wisconsin, studied monks visualizing world peace. As the monks began to mediate their brain wave patterns slowed to the Alpha and Theta frequencies. Then, as they began to visualize, their brain waves sped up to Gamma frequencies. In general, Gamma waves are more emphasized in the brains of long time meditators and are sign of hemispheric balance and coherence.
Gamma brainwaves help us enjoy the sensory richness of our world and organize our sensory perceptions into a unified experience. For instance, when we watch a movie we are receiving visual and auditory sensory input. Gamma brain wave activity unites this sensory input into the wholistic experience of the movie.
When there is predominance of Gamma, people report he sensory perception. Colors are brighter, smells more intense and our experience of life is heightened.
Gamma brain waves may help us visualize more powerfully, improve memory and enhance the mental processing of our sensory experience. These brain waves help us organize our our sensory input into a meaningful interpretation of our external reality that adds richness and depth to our experience. The way we organize our experience then determines what actions we take and what choices we make.
Choices and actions create reality!
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